Senior Citizens Forum - Bangalore
We are glad to announce that at the EC Meeting held on 19 September 2010, Sri. T P Gopinathan has been unanimously elected as Vice-President of the Forum. This fills up the vacancy caused by the demise of Mr. T.K. Kailasam.
With Effect from 1st July 2010, the Dearness Allowance of Central Government Penisioners has been increased from 35% to 45%.
Members are requested to pay up subscription of Rs.100 for 2010-11, if not already done.

Members desirous of talking on any subject of interest to elders for about an hour on first thursday of any month may please give  such proposal to Dr.Natarajan(C-103) immediately as programme  for next 3 months is being finalised.

Members proposing excursion or visit  to any place of interest may give such proposal to Dr.Natarajan (C103)
as early as possible.

Resident Senior citizens of SKCK Apt desirous of becoming  members of the Forum  are requested to collect the membership application form from Dr.R.Natarajan ,complete it and submit it along with Rs.110 immediately as few vacancies exist now.

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Senior Citizens Forum - Bangalore